Excerpt :
Joseph was tired, they'd been traveling all day
and it was almost midnight before they found a place to stay.
He put the burro in the stall, and knelt beside his wife
to comfort her as she went through the pains of giving life.
I don't know if it is because Tyler is our last or if it is because he is simply the youngest baby we have had at Christmas time. But I have been truly struck by the actual event, or birth, of the Savior and the time shortly following his birth. As a mother to four, I have many worries about them, and they started during pregnancy- before they were even out. I want to raise them right. I want them to be good people. I want them to be kind. I want them to have the strength to resist temptations. I want them to KNOW that Heavenly Father and their Savior Jesus Christ loves them.
As I ponder on the events leading up to the Savior's birth, I can scarcely imagine the weight that Mary felt upon herself, knowing that she would be bearing and raising the Lord, our King. HER King. And yet she had the greatest faith to respond to the angel Gabriel's declaration, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." Oh but if I could have faith such as that!
Fast forward 9 months. Mary is preparing to give birth. I love how in the scriptures in Luke 6 it states "the days were accomplished that she should be delivered." If you have been pregnant before, you know that pregnancy is no easy ride. But as bad as that is, labor can be incredibly uncomfortable and painful. Much more so than any of the discomforts of the prior 9 months. Mary was about to experience those "pains of giving life."
I labored with each of my children naturally, foregoing the pain medications. To get through contractions, one of the things I thought of most was that all of the pain was going to be worth it for the end result, that ANY amount of pain would be worth it to achieve that end result, that culmination for all the discomforts and pains of the past 9 months. A beautiful new life.
I cannot describe the joy and relief when it is over. I cannot describe the penetration of the Spirit of the Lord into your heart as a new mother or father (or new again) as you welcome your precious baby to the Earth, to begin their mortal life.
Can you imagine the joy felt in that dim manger on that Christmas night as the babe Jesus entered into the world?
As I continue to listen to my playlist of Christmas music, I hear yet another song which had been oft sung by my high school choir. This song recently made it's way into popular music by Pentatonix.
Excerpt :
Mary did you know, that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you deliver, will soon deliver you.
According to the scriptures, Mary was "delivered". But because of the Savior's birth she was also delivered.
The more I think upon the birth of my Savior, the more I appreciate and love Him. The more I realize just how incomprehensible His sacrifice was. The more I realize His love for me. When HE suffered, to an extent I know not, and endured the pain, and would endure ANY amount of pain, to achieve that end result. The doors being opened for the eternal life of man.
Glory be to God for the birth of our Savior!
I know that He was conceived and born of Mary, and that he lived a perfect life. That He lived so that we may live. I pray that as we celebrate the season we will take time to step back and reflect, and marvel upon the event which we truly celebrate.
Love, Christine