One time when I was in college, I was walking with a friend up by the temple. As we walked, he posed a question to me that I will never forget. He began by expressing to me that he went to the temple often, but didn't ever seem to feel the spirit anymore. He asked why that was and if I had any advice. I told him that when we do something repeatedly, it can become mundane. Going to the temple is a wonderful habit to be in. But going is not enough. In order to feel the spirit, grow, and progress, we need to be doing work constantly inside and outside of the temple. We need to be earnestly seeking the Lord's spirit and divine guidance - a pure desire that comes from deep within our hearts. We need to be actively trying to be better and more Christ-like. When we are doing this, we can have meaningful experiences increase ten-fold.
When my oldest was about 6 months old, I went through a rough patch. I was a stay at home mom, she was my only child at the time, and I felt that we were doing the same ten activities over and over again because those were the limits of what she could do. It felt like being a broken record. Even now, having three kids, I sometimes feel that my life is in a loop. We have a schedule and it is very similar each day. Thinking back on my childhood, I have very few memories from when I was very young. So why does doing these things matter?
A few years ago I had an epiphany, what I feel is an inspiration from my loving Heavenly Father. As I was spending time with my children, I suddenly saw in my minds eye what they saw. And I thought "What if THIS is the memory that they will remember?" What if the memory that my daughter remembers is the moment of us coloring pictures? Or the memory of my son is of being pushed in the cozy coupe? These are the moments and things that sometimes I do and it feels mundane. Sometimes these are moments that I don't take advantage of and find myself spending my time doing other things instead. Today after lunch, B got down from the table and walked over to the window. "It's raining!" she exclaimed. I could see the longing in her eyes - she wanted out. I was watching a show. I didn't want her to go out in the rain and get soaked. Then a sweet whispering, a tender mercy, said "Let's go make a memory". And so we did. Will she remember it? Probably not. But you never know.
Mommas, time and life goes by too fast. Don't forget to make the memories.